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Re: What's the Craziest (or funniest) Moment in your Lego Experience?
Sat, 29 Mar 2003 02:35:05 GMT
487 times
In lugnet.general, Dean R. Hennen writes:
Hi all,

Please tell about your wackiest experiences (Note: I'm not forcing you).


Cheers (*clink*)


I'll let you guys decide.  Which one is loaded with more abject silliness,
Vader's New Weapon:

Or the Giant Mechanical Turkey of Death:

I find that combining humor with my MOC's is more fun than I ought to be
allowed to have.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: What's the Craziest (or funniest) Moment in your Lego Experience?
(...) committing suicide while looking over that one. Vader's New Weapon, IMO, would be funnier if the end result looked nothing like the real model. Ooh, I know! A giant Trojan Bunny! :-D Now *that* would be a fitting punch line! (22 years ago, 29-Mar-03, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  What's the Craziest (or funniest) Moment in your Lego Experience?
Hi all, What is your craziest (or most funniest) moment in your lego experience? I have seen many of these discussion topics on other online message boards and would like to know what your one is. Here's my experience: I was going to make a (...) (22 years ago, 29-Mar-03, to lugnet.general)  

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