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 General / 41312
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Lego Shop-At-Home Catalogs
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 21:40:32 GMT
468 times
I have been saving all Lego S-A-H catalogs since about 1997 (I tossed all
prior to then) and would like to know if they are worth keeping? Most of
them have my address on a label or printed directly on the catalog.

I will probably keep the best ones (1-2 per year) and throw away the rest-
unless suggested otherwise.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Lego Shop-At-Home Catalogs
I always enjoy looking through old SAH catalogs the same way I like looking through old product line catalogs. The SAH catalogs can give you a price reference though, whereas the regular catalogs don't. (Anyone remember the good ol' days when you (...) (22 years ago, 1-Mar-03, to lugnet.general)

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