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Deep links (was Re: Phil and Dixie [ (c) Phil Foglio ] Mosaic
Newsgroups:, lugnet.publish, lugnet.general, lugnet.faq
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 05:33:13 GMT
78 times
In lugnet.announce.moc, Matthew Sailors writes:

Here are the deep links until the folder is moderated:

Original Art:

Those aren't deep links, I'm afraid. They give the same "not yet moderated"
as the folder reference does, and will until the folder is moderated.

In general you (as the originator of the image) need to click on links of
this form and post the result of THAT. You can tell a deep link because it
has the actual file name you uploaded, not gallery.cgi?i=nnnnn

For instance, consider this folder:

which contains this image:

(visible because it's moderated, but suppose it wasn't)

but the deeplink to the image is

Note the difference.... the deeplink has a filename at the end. Not a parm
to the cgibin script.

This almost ought to be a FAQ or something, deeplinks seem to confuse a lot
of people. But it's a Brickshelf(tm) thing so I dunno if it belongs in a
LUGNET(tm) FAQ or not.

Hope that helps. Looking forward to seeing your mosaic.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Deep links (was Re: Phil and Dixie [ (c) Phil Foglio ] Mosaic
(...) Hmm, a cool feature for BrickShelf which shouldn't be hard. Have a button visible to the owner of a folder which brings you to a page which just provides clickable deep links for that folder, like: <A HREF="(2 URLs)<BR> You could also view the (...) (22 years ago, 20-Nov-02, to lugnet.publish)

Message is in Reply To:
  Phil and Dixie [ (c) Phil Foglio ] Mosaic
I've just posed pics of a mosaic that I completed a few months back, but only recently found a place to display. It's based on the offical convention artwork from Conduit 7 (c) that was held in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA back in 1997. Large and small (...) (22 years ago, 20-Nov-02, to lugnet.announce.moc)

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