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Re: More Super Chief Registry Spam?
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 02:17:01 GMT
520 times
In lugnet.general, James Trobaugh writes:
Hmmm, interesting. I've never been spammed from the list yet. Is it possible
someone has your superchief email address in their address book and a virus
got it from there? I doubt anyone is farming the registry for emails to send
email worms to.

I doubt anyone has that e-mail address (could be)...  it is only used for
the registry.  I've never received a legitimate message to that address.
Someone theorized that it may be a virus crawling through someone's browser
cache.  I find it odd that I've *ONLY* ever received bogus messages to the
superchief address.


In lugnet.general, Rob Doucette writes:
I received an e-mail from (L. Andrew Reynolds? this
e-mail address is also listed on the registry page), the subject line is
"Hello,superchief,questionnaire", there is an attachment: Gh.bat

This is the second piece of junk mail sent to superchief at doucettenet dot
com, what's the deal?


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: More Super Chief Registry Spam?
Hmmm, interesting. I've never been spammed from the list yet. Is it possible someone has your superchief email address in their address book and a virus got it from there? I doubt anyone is farming the registry for emails to send email worms to. jt (...) (23 years ago, 30-Jul-02, to lugnet.general)

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