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BI Portal adds more new features
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 22:25:38 GMT
119 times

After much thought about several things, I have added a few new features to
the BI Portal:

- Display All Links -
For the time being, I have added a function that allows you to view a list
of all links in the BI Portal. They are broken into a series of pages for
easier viewing. I will be adding some new features to this page soon.

- Send Link to Friend -
I have also added the ability to send a link to a friend. Just click the
"Send to Friend" link on each link, and up comes a popup window. Enter your
name and your friend's name, and hit send!

And don't forget about the new bookmarking, thumbnails, and other new stuff!

Additionally, I fixed a few minor bugs that had popped up. Thanks for
hanging in there with me as I tweak and fix!


Jake McKee
LEGO Enthusiast
Webmaster - BI Portal

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