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LEGO InMotion (was: OK...this is kinda' neat...)
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Tue, 1 Jan 2002 23:25:39 GMT
93 times
In, John Neal writes:

As an aside, I consider my Jeep to be the closest thing to an actual LEGO car
that one can buy-- the doors come off, the top, the windshield-- it's my AFOL
dream car:-)


If it weren't so DAMN ugly, the Aztek would fit into this catagory too.

Speaking of LEGO I the only person out there who is actually
willing to buy an InMotion ( if it
were to ever come out? Or even some of it's pieces/parts? Beyone it being a
concept vehicle, does anyone know if there has been any further development
on it? Who's seen it in person on the tour? Is the quality up to snuff? What
do you all think of it? Do we need to make feelings known to LEGO (beyond
the survey on the page)?


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: OK...this is kinda' neat...
(...) I'll give you "kinda". But as an owner of a Wrangler, I can tell you that I'd: 1. Never buy another Best-Lock set again (quality simply not up to snuff) <sorry for the non sequitor> 2. Rather build my own out of LEGO (LLC had some cool (...) (23 years ago, 1-Jan-02, to

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