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Re: Best Minifig Head *EVER*!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.general
Mon, 31 Dec 2001 20:12:46 GMT
70 times
"Matthew Gerber" <> wrote in message
In, John Radtke writes:
In, Jon Palmer writes:
What the heck is he?!  I don't know but I like him.

I was wondering what that is supposed to be too.  Looks kinda owlish.
Now that I see it more closely it also looks like a full-face ski mask. • Try
putting an arctic hood over it....

He's wearing a baclava...most race drivers and stunt men wear them under
their helmets (fire-proof ones), and there are warm ones for cold-weather
activities (skiing, snowboarding, winter mountain climbing). He is a cool
head, though (It was a toss up to get him or the anime guy for me).

You know thats actually what I thought it might be.  I seem ot have a mental
picture in my head of what these look like.  Regardless I think it makes him
look nuts. O_o


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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Best Minifig Head *EVER*!
(...) To make up for my earlier blunder, here's a link to some pix of real racing balaclavas: (URL) think the minifig head captures the look quite well. Henry (23 years ago, 31-Dec-01, to, lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Best Minifig Head *EVER*!
(...) He's wearing a baclava...most race drivers and stunt men wear them under their helmets (fire-proof ones), and there are warm ones for cold-weather activities (skiing, snowboarding, winter mountain climbing). He is a cool head, though (It was a (...) (23 years ago, 31-Dec-01, to, lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.general)

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