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Re: New entry for ISCC: "Missing in Action" - Ju 52 airplane
lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.general,
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 19:44:47 GMT
90 times
In lugnet.adventurers, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:

Dear all!

Klaus Dobisch and me, we have made up a new gallery for the creativity
contest at We have decided to make it a part of the adventurers
theme and we have called it "Missing in Action".

Take it look at it under the following URL:

Hope you enjoy it. We had lots of fun while building these models and creating
the story around it.

Leg Godt!


Dear Ben and Klaus

Congratulations to an excellent model of a very famous W.W.II aeroplane. You
have really caught the character of old lady, Tante-Ju. The surrounding
setting and the story makes your entry to the creativity contest at
1000steine my favourite so far.

I hope you will take time and publish more photos soon. I am particularly
interested in the construction of the cockpit area, which is hard to see in
the current pictures.

Good luck in the contest


Message is in Reply To:
  New entry for ISCC: "Missing in Action" - Ju 52 airplane
Dear all! Klaus Dobisch and me, we have made up a new gallery for the creativity contest at We have decided to make it a part of the adventurers theme and we have called it "Missing in Action". Take it look at it under the following (...) (23 years ago, 16-Dec-01, to lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.general) !! 

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