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Re: New entry for ISCC: "Missing in Action" - Ju 52 airplane
lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.general
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 08:16:01 GMT
90 times
In lugnet.adventurers, Tim David writes:
Very nice, the scenes at the airfiled have all the nice touches that add
life and make it seem real (or as real as a lego model cane get!), I
appreciate that you have spent a lot of time on it already but is there any
chance of a DAT of the Ju52 any time in the future?


Dear Tim,

sorry to tell, but I think you have no other chance, than taking a close look
at the photos (We will upload some more when the contest is over).

Quite certainly there will be no DAT version of any of the two Ju 52s be

For sure not for mine (the one with the smaller wheels and the grey-only tail),
since I never have done any model in CAD and I think Klaus has at the moment no
ambitions to do a virtual copy of his one either...

Kind Regards,


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New entry for ISCC: "Missing in Action" - Ju 52 airplane
Very nice, the scenes at the airfiled have all the nice touches that add life and make it seem real (or as real as a lego model cane get!), I appreciate that you have spent a lot of time on it already but is there any chance of a DAT of the Ju52 any (...) (23 years ago, 17-Dec-01, to lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.general)

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