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Re: New LEGO system for business and strategy development
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 02:48:27 GMT
462 times
In, Suzanne D. Rich writes:
The following press release was copied from:

New LEGO system for business and strategy development
Executive Discovery -- associated with LEGO Company -- has unveiled the first-
ever LEGO product specifically for adults -- a tool that helps business managers
develop strategy by using the creative dynamics of the LEGO Brick and play.

Using LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, Real Time Strategy sessions also take a different
approach to the strategy outcome. Instead of being built on mission and vision
statements and a set of plans to achieve them, the company strategy is based on
a set of Simple Guiding Principles. The process delivers a shared sense of
company-direction and empowers people to make the right decisions in the face of
the unexpected.

MEMO from LEGO executive to Self...

Make plans to attend Executive Discovery session.  Try to determine what's
wrong with LEGO company.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New LEGO system for business and strategy development
(...) Ping! [Light bulb goes on above head] Of course! That's it! That's what's wrong with TLC. The people at the top don't actually play with Lego in their spare time (or any other time come to that). Not only would it give them an insight into (...) (23 years ago, 4-Oct-01, to lugnet.general)

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