Re: New LEGO system for business and strategy development
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 02:48:27 GMT
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In, Suzanne D. Rich writes:
> The following press release was copied from:
> -Suz
> -------------------------
> New LEGO system for business and strategy development
> -------------------------
> Executive Discovery -- associated with LEGO Company -- has unveiled the first-
> ever LEGO product specifically for adults -- a tool that helps business managers
> develop strategy by using the creative dynamics of the LEGO Brick and play.
> Using LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, Real Time Strategy sessions also take a different
> approach to the strategy outcome. Instead of being built on mission and vision
> statements and a set of plans to achieve them, the company strategy is based on
> a set of Simple Guiding Principles. The process delivers a shared sense of
> company-direction and empowers people to make the right decisions in the face of
> the unexpected.
MEMO from LEGO executive to Self...
Make plans to attend Executive Discovery session. Try to determine what's
wrong with LEGO company.
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