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 General / 28613
    Lego Marketed for European or worldwide kids? —Santosh Bhat
   We're well aware that Lego's current range of products has been targeted at kids based upon what Lego thinks kids want. However is the fact that Lego is a European company a factor in their choice of what to produce? The majority of the traffic (...) (24 years ago, 9-Mar-01, to lugnet.general)
        Re: Lego Marketed for European or worldwide kids? —Frank Buiting
   (...) They majority of opinions voiced *here* are North American, keep in mind that not everywhere in the world it is too common to speak english. It would be weird in the German forum ( (URL) ) to say "the majority of opinions at 1000steine is (...) (24 years ago, 9-Mar-01, to lugnet.general)

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