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 General / 28007
  Re: Awesome New MOCs!
(...) I saw those today too and was surprised because I hadn't heard of him before. I like his snowmen and church of evil though this disturbs me a little if he really is a reverend. :-) But his Santa's sleigh and reindeer on train cars is really (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-01, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Awesome New MOCs!
"jonathan lill" <> wrote in message (...) In the upper right hand corner of this picture you can see the remains of an apparent suicide jumper (or victim of foul play) : (URL) Ouch. Good work on (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-01, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Awesome New MOCs!
(...) Well, he *did* create a Kresh, too:-) What disturbs me is that if he really is a reverend, he should know that Christmas comes in December (Or that he created an elf sweatshop;-) (...) <nit correction: monorail cars> :-) -John (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-01, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Awesome New MOCs!
(URL) am gonna have to check my New Testament again, but I don't remember a Stegasaurus present at the birth of Jesus. I do really love his creativity here, especially with the wisemen and the baby Jesus. (24 years ago, 23-Feb-01, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Awesome New MOCs!
(...) lol, I think the little drummer boy was just a made-up story, too;-) Not too many Scarlet Macaws in Bethlehem (unless they were gifts from a wise man from South America). But the real faut pas is his mixing up the OT and NT-- I see the (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-01, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Awesome New MOCs!
(...) I don't know about the wise man (Gungan) behind the manger. He's hiding behind the horse and macaw on the left. You think they would have mentioned that. I love his stuff, though. The Space Pirates are fun. ARR! Sean (24 years ago, 24-Feb-01, to lugnet.general,

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