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Re: Off Topic - Digital camera !
lugnet.general, lugnet.publish
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 21:15:53 GMT
1662 times
"> I couldn't find either of those on Olympus' web site and I've not seen
in the stores either.

Sorry I used European names - American names are 450 D (C 900)
and 620 D (1400 L) !

Thanks for your answer !


I have an Olympus D490 and I find it excellent for LEGO pictures.

A key feature is a "macro" focus mode.  This allows you to take really • clear
pictures super-close.

Make sure it has mechanical zoom as well.  The electronic zoom stinks.

The overall quality with the D490+(built-in) Flash is far better than I • got
when using an expensive Nikon 35MM camera with flood lights.

Here are some sample longshots (all of which had their resolution cut in
half for easier web viewing - The original quality was twice as good!):

Here are some sample LEGO shots (again after cutting the quality by 1/2):

You might try sending this to lugnet.publish for better response.

Dej'an <> wrote in message
Hi all !

Need some help !
I'd like to buy digital photo camera to finally make pictures of my
creations .
I think I'd buy either Olympus Camedia C 900 Z or C-1400 L and acutally
I can't decide ... Does anyone know which one - of this two would be
better to make good pictures of Lego ?

Many thanks !

Lugnet 595

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Off Topic - Digital camera !
I couldn't find either of those on Olympus' web site and I've not seen them in the stores either. I have an Olympus D490 and I find it excellent for LEGO pictures. A key feature is a "macro" focus mode. This allows you to take really clear pictures (...) (24 years ago, 3-Feb-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)

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