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Re: Health benefits of Lego
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 02:58:09 GMT
517 times
In lugnet.general, Bill Farkas writes:
After much research and years of experimentation, I have come to believe
that repeated and prolonged exposure to ABS bits can actually heighten or
stimulate certain physical abilities.


<snip physical advantages>

I've been able to document these three. Has anyone else noticed any others?

Don't forget that lego is an exercise, after all, I stretch more while
building than in any phys. ed. class I have! Even if you have all the pieces
nearby, after hours of sitting still, you *have* to stretch! ;-) I'm not
sure if it's good for the back though. ;-)

Lego is also food for thought in class (or work, or whatever) when things
just get too boring. And everyone can tell you that a balanced diet
including ABS can reduce the risk of early-age insanity! Which is another
thing - lego provides "artistic therapy" for those of us who really need it.
Of course, certain (Non-lego) people will argue that we're *all* nut-cases.


Message is in Reply To:
  Health benefits of Lego
After much research and years of experimentation, I have come to believe that repeated and prolonged exposure to ABS bits can actually heighten or stimulate certain physical abilities. For instance: eyesight. I've noticed that I can walk into any (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)  

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