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Re: LEGO Barcodes have changed!! :-(
Sun, 14 Feb 1999 22:16:28 GMT
1097 times
Could be a strong case here for Lugnet.barcode.boffins :)


Carbon 60 wrote in message <>...
I noticed on the new 1999 Space Port and City sets they come with a
barcode that doesn't have the set number contained within.


Old form 5 702010 9nnnnx  Where x is any number n is the set number.
Also 702019 and 702011 - these are for promotional multipacks of several
sets and do not have the set number within - these sets usually don't
have set numbers anyway.

New form 5 702012 000xxx Where x can be any number - sometimes a 025 for

Maybe this has something to do with LEGO's new 6-digit number scheme
reported by Graham Reid to be used in the future.

For the record 5901 = 5 702012 000355


Carbon 60
ICQ # 5643170

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO Barcodes have changed!! :-(
Oops, how did that end up over here, should have gone to Lugnet.announce. .....Duh [SteveScott] (26 years ago, 14-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  LEGO Barcodes have changed!! :-(
I noticed on the new 1999 Space Port and City sets they come with a barcode that doesn't have the set number contained within. eg. Old form 5 702010 9nnnnx Where x is any number n is the set number. Also 702019 and 702011 - these are for promotional (...) (26 years ago, 14-Feb-99, to lugnet.announce)

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