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Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 19:11:31 GMT
10710 times
(cross-posting to o-t.debate, this falls in between the cracks, I think.  If
it moves more Lego-wards, please drop .debate, vice versa if it moves more
off-topic.  Thanks)

In lugnet.general, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.general, Eric Joslin writes:

But let's say I don't want your set.  I don't want to buy the pieces you've
collected.  I want to use the pieces I already have to build my own copy.

You're saying you'd be upset about that?

Do you realise that according to Larry, at least two other members of
the Guild of Bricksmiths disagree with you on that point?

Um, I'm not sure I disagree with James about anything. I'm mildly upset and
disappointed when someone chooses to copy my work, but I'm also kind of
flattered. Neither of those emotions translate into my actually *doing*
anything about it, as I've said before. Nor does it for James, as he's said

OBDisclaimer: IMHO!

I don't know James' mind(1), or yours, but FWIW, I don't think that
everyone's agreeing here, as you've asserted in a few places.

I think, from what I've read here, that James Powell feels that someone who
sees his Bricksmith page, thinks "that's a cool model", and builds his own
instead of buying one from him, is doing him a disservice.  This is (as far
as I can tell) regardless of wether the model stays hidden in a box in a
basement, has pictures posted of it, is used at a train show, or is sold on
street corners.  It also appears to be regardless of wether or not James
gets the credit for the design.

I think that is a seriously excessive expectation.  He's welcome to have it
- I'm not in the business of telling people what to think - but I don't
think it's realistic, "fair" or accurate.

As far as I'm concerned (and I *think*, as far as general opinion & law
regarding copyright reflects), what James is due is credit for the design.
Period.  That's the risk that is run when something becomes public
knowledge.  And some aspects of that design (pictures) are public knowledge.
If I work backwards from that public knowledge, and design something
similar, or even identical, I am required to (and believe I should) credit
my source.  But no more than that.  If you don't want derivative works, or
copies, you do not provide information about your work to the general public.

If you want the kind of protection you seem to think you have, then you have
to trademark your design.  That is a whole different ball of wax.


1: Unless, of course, I'm the James in question, and sometimes not even then. :)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
(...) I think I understand what the point is but, we are usually working from a picture or the actual building/engine and I don't see credits that the model is representive of a pix in Model Railroading or the the XYZ building in town A. When is a (...) (24 years ago, 7-Dec-00, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
(...) Um, I'm not sure I disagree with James about anything. I'm mildly upset and disappointed when someone chooses to copy my work, but I'm also kind of flattered. Neither of those emotions translate into my actually *doing* anything about it, as (...) (24 years ago, 7-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)

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