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 General / 24819
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Re: Green BURPS (was- Re: How to maximize 90-piece bags?)
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general, lugnet.belville
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 23:35:39 GMT
82 times
In, Charles Eric McCarthy writes:
Nathan McDowell wrote:

In, Jon Kozan writes:
But as for Green, there are...
1) Dk Green (aka, standard 'Green') (Bricks, and everything else)
2) Bright Green (used in Baseplates, and Plates)
3) Lime Green (Paradisa Plates, Baseplates, various Belville objects)
4) Really Dark Green (Belville BURPS)

Green BURPS?  In what set?  I've looked the DB up and down for a Belville
set with geen BURPS and I can't find any in any, although I did come across
some yellow ones.  We are talking about the Big Ugly Rock Piece right?  Any
help would be appreciated.


In 5854  Pony Trekking.

Jon, do you really have some that are a different shade than the standard green?

/Eric McC/

Thanks!  I looked right over it, couldn't see it behind the pony in the
small pic on the DB.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Green BURPS (was- Re: How to maximize 90-piece bags?)
(...) In 5854 Pony Trekking. Jon, do you really have some that are a different shade than the standard green? /Eric McC/ (24 years ago, 30-Nov-00, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.belville)

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