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 General / 21666
    Re: Anyone heard this story yet? —Franklin W. Cain
   (...) Oh, really... >;-) How is the Gungan/Jar-Jar *head* useful? How useful is having *dozens* of Gungan heads? Franklin (PS: I *do* use the Jar-Jar *torso* for certain critters I make for CastleWorld or Pirates, FWIW...) (25 years ago, 3-Sep-00, to lugnet.general)
        Re: Anyone heard this story yet? —Mike Timm
   (...) Well, everything *BELOW* the neck anyways :^) (...) They're great for that pothole in the driveway! :^) (...) Being a Castlehead when I first saw the SW minifigs I thought, "cool. peasants!" When I first showed my brother the first landspeeder (...) (25 years ago, 9-Sep-00, to lugnet.general)

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