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 General / 21577
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Re: Specials at The Store 30 August
Thu, 31 Aug 2000 19:06:20 GMT
909 times
Thanks, Eric... I've seen those sets, but I will wait until they go on

Paul S

In, Charles Eric McCarthy writes:
Paul S. wrote:
What I really want  from Belville is a bunch of the pink 2x2x11

Those are available in a couple of the current sets:
5805, 5807.

I would love to see the 2x2x11 columns in bulk,
in all the colors that they have been produced in,
especially white and brown.

The colors of columns that have appeared in sets are:
White, black, blue, brown, light yellow, and dark pink.
(Please let me know if I missed any.)

/Eric McC/

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