Re: What's your oldest set?
Mon, 24 Jul 2000 20:52:22 GMT
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This probably depends on how you define "set" (what does "is" mean? :-) I have
a few sets from 1973-74 that I just picked up second-hand, and these dates
match the oldest sets we had in our childhood collection. In fact, I picked
up a 410 Payloader, which was Steve's first set according to him (which I dare
not dispute, him being the Big Brother and all that). Now the fuzzier part. I
think the lot I got this weekend also contained a Samsonite set 103 Standard
Set, or possibly one of the two larger sets from the same era. This one would
be from the earlier 70's, before 73 when Samsonite gave up the brick. Then
there were several baseplates marked "700E" (10x20 gray and blue), which are
listed as 1966--not really a set, though :-) And my oldest bricks likely go
back to the late 50's. So what do you call a set? I would say it either has
to include documentation in the case of basic sets (such as the 103), or a
unique enough brick assortment to be easily identifiable. Under these rules,
I'd have to say my oldest set is the 1973 Rescue Units.
And, some Lego trivia: I have a 430 Biplane with still-pricetagged box (and
instructions, for that matter). At the time, 16 pieces cost $1.69. The 490
Mobile Crane cost $3.79 for 38 pieces. That's just about the same cost per
brick that one hopes for now ($.10). Unfortunately, most of the newer
sets--even the non-juniorized ones--seem to cost a bit more per piece, but
there are some notable (and nice) exceptions, such as the Flash Speeder.
In lugnet.general, Timothy Jones writes:
> Hi everyone,
> Just a little survey here. What's the oldest set that you currently own? Mine
> is the 550 Windmill.
> Tim
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