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Re: 2001 subthemes
Thu, 13 Jul 2000 16:36:52 GMT
820 times
From: "Bradley Dale" <>

So, from informtion I've collected, we could see

Promotional> Movies> Harry Potter (official)
?> ?> Obelisk? (I heard that this was "known", but I know nothing about it)

Oh, I almost forgot.  There will be a tie-in with Pez dispensers.

Rob (thinking this thread should move to lugnet.humor, or mebbe

Pirates> Pirates/Pirates Jr. (rumoured)
Town> Paradisa II (rumoured)
Town> Antarctic (fan-created, but suspected)

I would also expect new subthemes in

And new sets added to these existing subthemes

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 2001 subthemes
(...) Where'd you hear that, if anywhere? (25 years ago, 16-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)

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  2001 subthemes
So, from informtion I've collected, we could see Promotional> Movies> Harry Potter (official) ?> ?> Obelisk? (I heard that this was "known", but I know nothing about it) Pirates> Pirates/Pirates Jr. (rumoured) Town> Paradisa II (rumoured) Town> (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)

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