I saw lots of Znap and Construx on sale in ICA Maxi and Leksakshuset in Ingelsta, Norrköping. In some cases, prices were
more than 50% off.
I noticed that Construx is made by Mattel, more known for Barbie dolls, so I guess that has nothing to do with Lego. But
what about Znap? It's made by Znap co., I think it was. So, what's the connection with Lego? Why is there a Znap group
in Lugnet? There are many replies in this thread, but none of them has answered the question in the subject line. At
least not in a way that makes me enlightened.
Wayne R Hussey wrote that Znap "will interface with Lego through Technic", and in a closer look, the wheels of the
extremely ugly Znap Jet-car http://www.lugnet.com/pause/search/?query=3501-1 seem to fit on Technic cross-axles, and the
set seems to include Technic connectors(?). Is that right?
Also, the disclaimers in the Znap pages at Lugnet all say: "©1998 LEGO Company". So, is it Lego or is it not?
"Tobias Möller" wrote:
> What is Znap? I've never seen it here in Sweden. Is it a theme or something?
> --Tobias
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: What is Znap?
| (...) Ingelsta, Norrköping. In some cases, prices were (...) guess that has nothing to do with Lego. But (...) connection with Lego? Why is there a Znap group (...) answered the question in the subject line. At (...) and in a closer look, the wheels (...) (25 years ago, 29-Feb-00, to lugnet.znap, lugnet.build, lugnet.general)
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