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Re: LUGOLA proposal
Fri, 18 Feb 2000 02:55:06 GMT
1580 times
In lugnet.announce, Henry Lim writes:
Hello fellow LA area LEGO fans

I'd like to propose the formation of LUGOLA (LEGO User Group of LA). • <snip>
Thanks to Peter Merryman for the name.

Indeed! LOL What a great name. I had thought for a moment I was in for it cuz
I wasn't allowed to take Lego elements as a radio DJ...

-Tom McD.
when replying, some early records (ca. 1930) were made of 20% Brazilian

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The San Francisco Bay Area Users Group

Message is in Reply To:
  LUGOLA proposal
Hello fellow LA area LEGO fans I'd like to propose the formation of LUGOLA (LEGO User Group of LA). It'd be a chance to meet local freaks and share creations, cause let me tell ya, seeing LEGO in real life is better than looking at photographs. And (...) (25 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to lugnet.announce,

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