| | Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions Mike Rayhawk
| | | (...) Of course, but it's the attacker's choice whether to use the group roll or not. For any attacks that were especially important, he would still choose to make the rolls individually. He would only choose to use the group roll where it didn't (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)
| | | | | | | | Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions Frank Filz
| | | | | (...) Well, not really (but they did publish stats for them in The Dragon once, ever read "Monty Haul and the German High Command"?), but hey, that was freshmen year in college, and I was still a power gamer (that was also almost 20 years ago...) (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)
| | | | | | | | | | | | Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions Eric Joslin
| | | | | (...) You dated yourself by calling it "The Dragon". Heh. They dropped the "The" quite some time ago. eric (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)
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