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Re: The Unsuspecting City of Brikingham
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 07:26:29 GMT
1647 times
I dunno how I've managed to never visit your web site, you are one deranged
feller (high praise). I laughed my self silly at all of your marvelous
MOC's. Keep up the great work!

In lugnet.announce.moc, Brendan Powell Smith writes:
After joining in on the fun of Mike Rayhawk's BrikWars session at
BricksWest, I decided I want to try out running a BrikWars game of my own
with some of my friends.  Greatly inspired by Mike's teams, I created eleven
of my own 9-unit armies, each with their own mini-base.  These can be seen here:

Then I built the small city of Brikingham to serve as a playing field.

Brikingham will also serve as my entry in the Town Layout category Kevin
Wilson's Town Contest.

The game is scheduled for this Sunday.  I'll try to do an illustrated
write-up if all goes well.

-The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith  @8^)

Message is in Reply To:
  The Unsuspecting City of Brikingham
After joining in on the fun of Mike Rayhawk's BrikWars session at BricksWest, I decided I want to try out running a BrikWars game of my own with some of my friends. Greatly inspired by Mike's teams, I created eleven of my own 9-unit armies, each (...) (23 years ago, 7-Mar-02, to lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.gaming, !! 

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