| | Updated web pages
| As long as the links on the Starship web site still remain the same, then I can safely say that I have updated the web sites for my two sectors, the Granth and Cruan'atan sectors. The front page for both now advertises my upcoming adventures. Here (...) (17 years ago, 28-Apr-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship)
| | | | Creating interest in Starship
| Okay, so here I am cooking up not one, but two new adventures for the Cruan'atan sector, with a third in the cooker for Granth sector. I have just finished, yes finished, a very nice starship at 67 studs that will feature big in my gaming future. (...) (17 years ago, 7-Apr-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship)
| | | | Re: Intro Sector Idea
| (...) And hello to you too Avery! Sector 62 was the precursor to the precursor of Starship. Though the adventure ended, the site still exists at... (URL) More info on predecessor ideas to Starship can be found here... (URL) -Hendo (17 years ago, 29-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)
| | | | Re: Intro Sector Idea
| (...) After having explored the deeper reaches of the galaxy where communications are blocked by dark matter... Oh let's cut to the chase. I have not been active in quite some time with the hobby, but the brick calls out to me. I tried to (...) (17 years ago, 28-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)
| | | | Re: Intro Sector Idea
| (...) Still about. Happy to keep the data up to date. Old email address still works. I'd be happy to join in as a player, probably not as a sector mod. Might need a new ship though. Something with a couple of dropships and fighters, and a contingent (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship)
| | | | Re: Intro Sector Idea
| (...) Hi John! I wish I could say otherwise, but no this group has not been very active over the past two years. Everyone involved (myself included) were slowly pulled away for "real life" during the year or two before that. I myself have been (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)
| | | | Re: Intro Sector Idea
| Very well. I think five days is adequate time to wait for replies before replying to my own post. Evidently, this group isn't currently active. With that in mind, I'd like to post a notification here, to all interested parties, advising that I am (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)
| | | | Re: Intro Sector Idea
| :::walks into the dusty, darkened thread, coughing several times as stale air fills his lungs::: Hi folks! Question from a very, very interested newbod - is this group still active? I think it's a fascinating, well-thought-out concept that caters (...) (17 years ago, 22-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)
| | | | Re: space battle tactical game?
| (...) Wizards of the Coast had a collectible card game called (URL) Rocketmen>, similar to their Pirates of the Spanish Main. I haven't tried it, but you can (URL) download the rules> and give it a shot. Marc Nelson Jr. (17 years ago, 15-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming, FTX)
| | | | Re: space battle tactical game?
| (...) Hi, I am designing a table top game for space battles right now, the working title is Brickfleet. You can design ships and make battles with it. And I am looking for people to test play it, and improve the game. Are you interested, at least I (...) (17 years ago, 14-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming)
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