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 Gaming / *1830 (-5)
  Re: BrickQuest Modular Dungeon System
(...) Pete, we *have* to play a full game at Comic Con this fall. ~Trev (22 years ago, 31-Jul-03, to lugnet.gaming, FTX)
  Re: Speaking of happier weblinks
(...) I can imagine it reincarnating in somebody's backyard or in some random sector or something, that be pretty funny...."UFS Valach reappears somewhere in A-1 of Outer Rim." Sean (22 years ago, 31-Jul-03, to lugnet.gaming.starship)
  Re: BrickFest Pirate Game
(...) Larger ships are more important. I've got plenty of cutters (and I'm thinking I want to bring them all to show off [of course I don't have the largest collection of cutters since Steve Jackson has at least 30 now] even if it would save to have (...) (22 years ago, 30-Jul-03, to lugnet.gaming, lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: BrickFest Pirate Game
I'm in. What sort of ships are you looking for? Players to bring their own cutters and possibly a size upgrade? Scott (22 years ago, 30-Jul-03, to lugnet.gaming, lugnet.pirates,,
  Stealth Units find Arch Nemesis?
My buddy Shaun Boo'ed and hissed at me for making Snipers (riflemen with Stealth). But now I'm thinking that I remember that Scouts can see Stealth units with less than full coverage. If it's not already there, it should be. Also, what about (...) (22 years ago, 30-Jul-03, to lugnet.gaming)

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