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 Games / LEGO Media / LEGO Rock Raiders / 6
    Heh. I need better glasses. —John Jensen
   I just thought I wanted to share this with you. After spending two days battling with Rock Raiders to make it run (after selecting mission, it simply died) I finally figured out, that I had to select my graphics card:) Haven't formed an opinion of (...) (25 years ago, 20-Mar-00, to
        Re: Heh. I need better glasses. —Dwight Deur
   (...) I'd like to hear your impressions once you've played the game, to see if anyone else shares my opinion. I bought it very soon after it was released and played a mission or so every now and then, but was more occupied with other games during (...) (25 years ago, 23-Mar-00, to

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