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 Games / LEGO Media / LEGO Rock Raiders / 13
    anybody still playing? —Thomas Wölk
   does somebody know of a leveleditor or anything else for the game? (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to
        Re: anybody still playing? —Damien Guichard
   (...) I just bought it. It is fun as a whole. Great graphics especially when played in 1rst person. However I wonder what is the public targeted by the game. The game is surely not for kids because of bad responsivity. Also the game is not for (...) (23 years ago, 6-Jun-02, to
        Re: anybody still playing? —Thomas Wölk
   <snip> (...) shame (...) </snip> err yes . . . sort of . . I must admit I really like the game and do fear here's a wonderful chance Lego is dropping light heartedly. I love the design and colour schemes. It's sort of a building and science fiction (...) (22 years ago, 4-Jul-02, to
        Re: anybody still playing? —Damien Guichard
   (...) Hello Thomas, Trust me, I am a fan of "Dune 2000" strategy game and it is several orders of magnitude more challenging than Rock raiders. It's a shame that what is fun is just waste or losing strategy. Laser is fun. Heavy vehicules are fun. (...) (22 years ago, 15-Jul-02, to

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