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  New groups for new LEGO games/software Alpha Team, Stunt Rally, My Style
(...) Just now also added Alpha Team, Stunt Rally, and My Style. (URL) (24 years ago, 4-Feb-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp,, lugnet.announce)  
  LEGO Company to Produce Two Software Titles based on the World of Harry Potter
Hi all HP fans, subject says it all. See: (URL) sure Suzanne will add this to .announce groups soon. Bye, Christian --- xTIAN. ---...--- Lugnet Member #479 -- The World is full of AFOLs ! mail: web: (24 years ago, 4-Feb-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001,,
  Re: Has anyone seen these?
(...) I picked up a "Race Pack" at a KB Toys outlet which has a copy of 2585 (the promo originally included with LEGO Loco), and LEGO Racers of course. Frank (24 years ago, 13-Jan-01, to
  Re: Has anyone seen these?
Yes, I picked up the RockRaiders one, but mine came with the white Ninja set 1269/3076. I thought it was a pretty good deal for $9.99. has them, but they didn't come up under a normal search. The item number for the RR & Ninja is 106947-W (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to
  Has anyone seen these?
I picked up at KayBee the other day two CD-ROms, Racers and RockRaiders. THey had a little Lego set with em too? Rock Raiders was the 'Strategic pack' and had an Adventur set, while Racers as 'Race Pack' and had a luner buggy. Creator (Didnt get) (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jan-01, to

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