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 Games / *455 (-5)
  Seemingly insane poly counts in official games - how?
Hi y'all, I'm just curious if anyone knows how Lego gets away with their models having studs and tubes and everything in their games? It seems like the poly count would be unplayably ridiculous. -Stefan- (19 years ago, 22-Jun-05, to lugnet.cad,
  Re: Problems with RC receiver range? (Piece 6272)
Hello Ron, For as far as I can tell, you have done the right things: checking the batteries and the antennas. I have the same problem too sometimes, but when I check it out the problem is mostly weak batteries or an antenna that as come loose. Did (...) (20 years ago, 12-Jun-05, to lugnet.technic,
  Problems with RC receiver range? (Piece 6272)
Okay, I recently bought two lego racers kits, the Supersonic (8366) and the Race Buggy (8475). I put together the Buggy first, and for some reason it didn't work at all, so I gave up and waited a day; at which point it started working for some odd (...) (20 years ago, 12-Jun-05, to lugnet.technic,
  BrickSpace Homeworld Mod - Call For Texturing Help
The BrickSpace mod needs you! I am looking for people who have experience with Photoshop or the like, the 3D program Blender, and can work well on their own. I'm quite willing to do all of this by myself, but it will go faster and the quality will (...) (20 years ago, 5-May-05, to,, lugnet.gaming, lugnet.people.teens, FTX)
  Childhood Dreams Come True...Classic Space Homeworld Mod
I'm sure most of you swooshed your ships all over the house, and imagined them dodging through space, adventures aplenty. Well now, they really can have those adventures. (URL) Consider this a very small teaser of things to come. A demo of the (...) (20 years ago, 3-Apr-05, to, lugnet.people.teens, lugnet.cad,, lugnet.gaming,, FTX)

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