| | Re: 2 player mode
(...) It works in split-screen mode. In the options menu, select different controls for Player1 and Player2. From the main menu, select two player race (or whatever it's called). Matthias Jetleb. P.S. Keep an eye out for shortcuts! (22 years ago, 17-Dec-02, to lugnet.games.lego.racers)
 | | Re: Building instructions
Matthias Jetleb <Jetleb@Netcom.ca> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag: usakvu4kosh1rh8c62di...4ax.com... (...) hi! the game were you build your own cars? wich racer version? wouldn't it help (,be easier and more rewarding) teaching him ldraw? tw (22 years ago, 17-Dec-02, to lugnet.games.lego.racers)
 | | 2 player mode
I've got a question about the original Lego Racers CD-ROM game. I picked up a copy at TRU for $5, and it didn't really come with a detailed manual (or maps of the courses). I was just wondering, how do I enable 2 player mode on the computer? Do I (...) (22 years ago, 16-Dec-02, to lugnet.games.lego.racers)
 | | Building instructions
My son's been bugging me..... Does anyone know of any building instructions for the cars featured in the Racers game? Matthias Jetleb (22 years ago, 13-Dec-02, to lugnet.games.lego.racers)
 | | Re: Does Racers run on Gameboy Advance?
It should run on advance, but the graphics will retain the same proportions as the GB Color screen (unless you 'stretch' the screen with one of the 'top' R or L buttons. The reason it says Gameboy color only is 'cause the only systems out when the (...) (22 years ago, 22-Nov-02, to lugnet.games)