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 Games / *339 (-5)
  Re: LEGO Football
(...) Really? LEGO Football? That would be so cool! All we're getting is LEGO Soccer. . . . . . . (wait for it) . . . . . . . ;) Steve (23 years ago, 10-Jan-02, to
  LEGO Football
The demo software disk included with LEGO Racers 2 contains a video for the game LEGO Football which is due for release later this year. It would appear that you can select your football players from other themes such as Knights' Kingdom, Western, (...) (23 years ago, 9-Jan-02, to
  Re: Racers keeps crashing
In, Matthias Jetleb writes: <Snip> (...) 1. Running tracks backwards. -- Just to find out what's there, you can actually turn the car around and drive the opposite direction -- you'll keep seeing "Wrong Way" in the middle of (...) (23 years ago, 4-Jan-02, to
  Racers keeps crashing
I've recently purchased a copy of the original Racers (an opened package without a manual). I got a really good price on it, but.... Perhaps the absent manual would have shed more light on the subject, but I find that it keeps crashing. It works (...) (23 years ago, 4-Jan-02, to
  Re: LEGO Racers 2
(...) No problems here on a 1 GHz Athlon running Windows ME with a 32 MB GeForce video card and 128 MB of RAM although I haven't got very far with the game yet. Grahame (23 years ago, 3-Jan-02, to,

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