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  Re: Lego Mindstorms as an application for PC ??
Someone posted a message last week (?) pointing to which is a virtual robotics game with some LEGO add-ons like the RCX. Not sure if this is what you were looking for. Dan (23 years ago, 9-Jul-01, to lugnet.cad,, lugnet.robotics)
  Lego Mindstorms as an application for PC ??
Hey there, I have wondered if there is a software / application which can be used to model ones own Mindstorm Robot. I do not mean any programming software, but an application / software / game in which one can virtually build a robot and programm (...) (23 years ago, 6-Jul-01, to lugnet.cad,, lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Argh! So frustrating!
(...) What? Is it bad to post in this group? (...) See (URL)Regards, (...) (23 years ago, 26-Jun-01, to
  Argh! So frustrating!
Sorry about this everyone but I felt the need to come here and vent... I'm playing Lego Island 2 - on the penultimate mission thingy and all I've got to do is climb the inside of this tower across a walkway with moving bits and gaps and things - but (...) (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to
  Outhouse in Lego Island 2?
In Lego Island 2 (for PC), after you free the dinos from Mr. Hates camp, you can go into the jungle village. Next to the tent, there's a small hut. Is it just me, or is that a toilet in it? Hey, no matter what hemisphere you're in, you need a (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jun-01, to, lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.castle)

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