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  Re: Shortcuts (a largeish message)
(...) Nope. There's a "track of the month" feature at You can keep watching there. I just ran the race a lot, and watched closely while things were loading. Steve (24 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to
  Re: Shortcuts (a largeish message)
Do you know a place where you can get all the maps (they are only up for a second when the level loads)??? <><><><><><>Nick (I^;# <><><><><><><><> (...) (24 years ago, 6-Jul-00, to
  Re: Shortcuts (a largeish message)
(...) Yeah, I can't figure that one out, either. I *see* the shortcut on the map, but I don't know how to get in. It probably has something to do with the stone arches (big brooms?) you drive through, but who knows? Steve (24 years ago, 5-Jul-00, to
  Re: Shortcuts (a largeish message)
(...) Cool! :) Now I've got a trick my sons haven't figured out yet! Always have to stay one step ahead of the kids. (...) The trick with this one is that the arches have a sound, as well as a color. One arch in each pair has a high-tone, and the (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jul-00, to
  Re: New Lego Computer Programs?
(...) Yes, look at (URL) for Stunt Rally, (URL) for Alpha Team, and (URL) for Creator Knights Kingdom. Alan (24 years ago, 4-Jul-00, to

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