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The Invasion of P.E.T.S. or The Abduction of Dr. Oddfancy
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 17:35:38 GMT
6 times
This is for the few of you out there who like BrikWars write-ups sans pictures.
(sorry, no cameras) This is the battle that made me ask for wacky scientific
experimental weapons:

The Plot:
After the Battle at the Abomination-to-Classic-Space Station (also known as the
Theft of the Magnificent Space Artifact), the League of Neo-Classical
Spacefarers (Devin) realized the mighty power of the Space Artifact could only
be harnessed by the scientific genius of one Dr. Oddfancy. Dr. Oddfancy was
currently in the protective care of P.E.T.S or the People for the Ethical
Treatment of Scientists (that was me; I even had flags {of a geek})
The LNS decided to liberate Dr. Oddfancy and thus beseiged my headquarters.

The Beginning:
The P.E.T.S' facility was a multi base-plate building and research center,
consisting of a lobby, service hallway, R & D lab, test room, second floor
offices, and underground power plant and secret lab.
This facility employed over 20 engineers, 8 scientists, 3 Admin. Asst., a CEO,
and two squads of hired security. Also Boba Fett volunteered for outer
perimeter security- at a price.

The LNS had two small troop transports full of Classic Space Troops, and hired
a Huge transport and driver from Rent-A-Transport. This carried another squad
of troops, plus a couple of small seige vehicles: Plasma Cannon and Bright
Lance. They had also rented an assassin from Rent-A-Ninja (Classic Space
Trooper Academy doesn't teach Stealth or Gymnastics)

Boba Fett was the first casualty of war- victim of rapid Katana beheading.
The lobby receptionist hid under his table and survived long enough to run
     headlong into the Champion and fire a pistol at him, before being smushed
The reception table managed to resist Seige Rifle fire and provide cover for
     doomed security (biker scouts)
My PETS sign-mounted MkII laser was run down by the Rent-A-Transport
My Hero botched a Feat and Time-gunned a cohort into the future and a wall
My Champion ran out a second story window brandishing a light saber, only to be
     blown away by a Seige Rifle
My last scientist fired the Vacuum gun at point blank range at the Rent-A-Ninja
      heroic, but suicidal.
Dr. Oddfancy was convinced by the Magnificence of the Artifact to abandon his
     solace in our dungeo..ahem, secret lab.
LNS lost all but two of their original 15 invaders
PETS lost all employee save one scaredy-cat scientist who ran away.

Hope that these words are worth at least 1/4 of a picture.

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