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Re: QUICK, my scientist need exotic weapons
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 15:26:29 GMT
5 times
That's groovy Aaron. Of all the things I sugg'd, I thought the Time Gun was
the best; Glad to see it got some use. Most of the games I've played are
pretty straight forward TL 5 stuff. Not too much in the wacky department
(although I'm pushing).

Do you guys have any pics for a little show-n-tell? A little write-up
someplace on the web? I'm always up for [Echo On] Tales of BrikWar [Echo Off].

Groove On

-Evil Wayne
"There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

In, Aaron Sneary writes:
Thank you all for posting fun ideas. We did use a few of them. The time gun was
a lot of fun, although it was my own troop that ended up returning into a wall.
The sonic stun would have worked but Devin argued that all space troops have
closed helmets. I did manage to shatter one helmet with the stun setting. And
at the last minute, a scientist used the vacuum gun at point-blank range on a
ninja. Granted the scientist bought the big Lab in the Sky, but so did the
ninja ("yea!")
I really like the static charge idea and the green thing gun. I have plans to
field some of these soon. Green things were great in TL 3, hopefully as
effective in TL 5.

I built and designed stats for a JarJar projector gun, which would cast a
JarJar image on an opponent's troop, causing other troops to attack him. I
never got a chance to use it.

As usual, I was beaten. Not the stomping I usually take- Devin had two men
left, I had one. But he slaughtered my scientists and civil engineers like so
much ground beef. He even ran over my People for the Ethical Treatment of
Scientists sign (which was disguising a MkII laser cannon ;))


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: QUICK, my scientist need exotic weapons
Thank you all for posting fun ideas. We did use a few of them. The time gun was a lot of fun, although it was my own troop that ended up returning into a wall. The sonic stun would have worked but Devin argued that all space troops have closed (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jan-02, to lugnet.gaming)

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