In lugnet.events.brickswest, Matthew Gerber writes:
> If ANYONE is interested in running/playing this game at BricksWest, please
> post here or contact me via e-mail. It would probably be best to keep this
> out in the open here, just to help judge how many would actually be playing
> ('cuz it don't do us no good to have a GM but no players ya' know!).
I'd been hoping to avoid it (I wanted to try out that pirate game!), but
I'll take charge if no one else will. I'd lioke to get a heads-up of how
many people are interested in playing and *especially* whether there's
anyone out there who has a scenario they'd like to try and set up. My main
handicap is that I'm not going to have a lot of building time between now
and BricksWest, I expect I can build scenery and armies for one high-quality
scenario or two poor-quality ones; it would help a lot if there were
somebody out there who's not necessarily interested in acting as a GM but
would like to build out a good scenario battlefield.
Anyone who's hoping to play BrikWars on one or both of the evenings, either
post here or mail me at rayhawk@artcenter.edu, so I can get an idea of how
many people we're going to have to be able to accommodate. If there are
very many we may have to have multiple battles getting played out
simultaneously. If there are very few we might just cut one day of BrikWars
out of the schedule or eliminate it entirely.
When you write, here are some of the things I'd like to hear about:
1. Would one of the two evenings (Saturday or Sunday) be better for you than
the other?
2. Is there a particular scenario or type of battle you've always wanted to
see/play? Would you be willing to build it and bring it? Do you have other
general preferences, for instance a medieval as opposed to a futuristic
setting? Is there a specific genre you're interested in, such as a
Napoleonic battle or setting a classical Roman phalanx against an army of
3. Do you have any experience with BrikWars? If you've played other
miniatures wargames like Battletech or even that Warhammer game, that's
close enough. If we get a bunch of newbies, I'll start off with something
simple and supervise it closely. If we have some experienced players to
draw from, then we can think about letting players bring their own armies,
and running more than one game at a time, since I won't need to supervise
everything so closely. If we get a very experienced player or two then I
can draft them into supervisory roles and take a lot of pressure off of myself.
4. Are you coming with any friends who might also like to play/watch?
I'm looking forward to hearing from everybody. Also if anyone knows about
how much space we're going to have available in Ballroom B after the Train
Gathering has staked its claim, I'd like to hear about that as well.
- Mike Rayhawk.
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