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Re: QUICK, my scientist need exotic weapons
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 23:50:41 GMT
18 times
In, Aaron Sneary writes:
BE USED SIMILAR TO WEAPONS) I would love to try out ideas you have had in
the past and haven't playtested, or things that you arm all of your
scientist troops with.

Hope this isn't too late, but I'll throw in my two bits:

My first two are based on some real-life experimental weapons I've always
thought were cool:

1. the ION GUN.
This gun shoots a steady stream of ionized particles into a stationary
object, building up a potentially lethal static electric charge over time.
(This does not work on moving objects.)  In real life the target object has
to be insulated from the ground in order to build up a significant charge
but this can be 'overlooked' for game purposes.  For every full turn a
scientist spends charging a target object, the object gains 1 level of
electrical charge.  The object retains that charge as long as no moving
objects come near it, within a radius equal to as many inches as are in its
level of electrical charge.  It's up to the players to decide whether this
process is completely invisible or whether enemy units have a chance to
notice a "St. Elmo's Fire" halo around the object.

If a moving object (hopefully a spaceman) wanders within the electrical
radius of the charged object, there's a massive arc of electricity and both
objects take 1d6 damage for each level of electrical charge.  Rockets flying
through the radius get zapped and explode.  If a bullet flies through the
radius or strikes the charged object, lightning travels back up the
low-pressure trail of the bullet and strikes the unit that fired it!  (It's
true, we found this out the hard way.)

Cost and stats are left as an exercise for the player.

The sphincter is a tightly stretched sheet of tissue, almost drum-like in
its reactivity to sound.  Clever aucoustical engineers have discovered that
the resonant frequency of the average human sphincter rests between 16-18
hz, a tone far too low for normal hearing.  Powerful tones emitted along
these frequencies cause the bowels of human targets to erupt violently.
"Brown sound generators" have been the subject of military experiments for
decades but it was only recently that French riot police put them to
practical use by using parabolic directional speakers; previously, the sound
could not be 'aimed.'

Game effects of brown-sound damage are uncertain but it is sure that victims
will be heavily demoralized.

Cost and stats left as an exercise for the player.

My last idea for a weapon has no real-life counterpart, but I always wanted
to make a Horrible Green Thing launcher.  Something as simple as a Bazooka
and a pile of Horrible Green Thing Grenades would do the trick.

Cost and stats left as an exercise for the player.

Besides having the scientists make up fancy experimental weapons, why not
have them try to use their existing scientific equipment as weapons?  A
single scientist manning the controls of the Giant Robotic Waldo Arm could
wreak serious havoc.  Many mainstays of sci-fi labs would be fun to play
with, such as the Trash Obliterator Chute, the Artificial Gravity Room (put
numbers on the floor, walls, and ceiling, and roll 1d6 at the beginning of
each turn to see which way the gravity is pointing), exposed chemistry
equipment (blowing up chemistry equipment creates mysterious chemical clouds
that have unknown effects on units that get caught in them, as any
comic-book fan can tell you), cleaning robots, teleporters, duplicating
chambers, kennels for dangerous experimental creatures, assembly-line
machinery, weldinng tools, etc.  Even the possibilities of combining a
sprinkler system with exposed electrical wiring can be taken advantage of.

At least one scientist should develop the ability to mutate into a horrible

Female scientists should not forget their ability to stun and bewitch male
opponents by taking off their glasses and letting down their hair.

That's all I've got off the top of my head, hope it helps.

- Mike

Message is in Reply To:
  QUICK, my scientist need exotic weapons
My friend Devin and I are playing BrikWars this weekend, and he is planning on invading the main research facility of PETS (People for the Ethical Treatment of Scientists) [last week he slaughtered 5 scientists just because his troops believe in (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jan-02, to lugnet.gaming)

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