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Re: Inaugural Ohio BrikWars Meeting
Mon, 17 Apr 2000 22:52:20 GMT
98 times
In article <>, wrote:
from falling, fire, etc., etc. Charts would have made things much,
much easier.
  Agreed.  I know that Mike is planning some.  I've already started one.
I actually had a simple one at the battle.  But, I think I forgot to show
it to anyone.  I may email Mike and volunteer to do the charts for BW2000.

3: Finding out where the missed shots went. Although this had some
interesting, and funny results, I feel it bogged down the game a
little too much. Perhaps this would be something good to keep track of
for thrown weapons so one can retrieve them at a later time. Even then
it should be kept simple, only placing the weapon in the area where it
should have landed.
  Those were a lot of fun, but I should have curbed myself a bit.  But, I
still like the tree stunt.

4: I feel that vehicles turn rates could have been eliminated with
little effect on the game. Perhaps with regular flyers one should have
to keep track of this, but other vehicles, helicopters, tanks, wheeled
vehicles and hoverflyers, this would have little effect when playing
TL5 and above. Most wheeled vehicles and such would have multiple
wheel steering, and their turn rates would be fairly sharp anyway.
  I think we can simplify this alot.  For the most part, if the model can
do it, its ok.  A little common sense and ignore the rules.

  I ran through the rules again that night.  We were skipping a lot of AV
modifiers.  What surprise me the most was when I realized that I probably
would have slaughtered the lot of you if we knew them all.  The most
significant were 1. We (at least I) were doing opportunity fire all
wrong.  2. I forgot to account for any of my armor and such for AV.  3.
We (I?) were unaware of the AV bonus for moving targets.

  Full speed mounted troops are rather hard to hit.  I would have sent in
several waves of knights attacking your biggest units very early.  It
certainly would have been a much more interesting battle.

  I would like to propose a 1-1 ratio for TL2/3 troops vs TL4/5 troops for
our next meeting.  Somehow, I doubt that anyone will object.

    Gino A...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Inaugural Ohio BrikWars Meeting
(...) Had the tree not obscured my Pilot's vision, I would have just left it there for the duration of the game. (...) I saw that yesterday about the -2 UR for opportunity fire, that and you can't have fired on your previous turn, not on the turn (...) (25 years ago, 17-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Inaugural Ohio BrikWars Meeting
(...) Actually Ken has already uploaded the pictures to Brickshelf, but as of yet they haven't appeared there. I'm not sure if Kevin looks thru them before allowing others to view them, or perhaps Ken did something wrong uploading them. Here is the (...) (25 years ago, 17-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming,

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