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Re: Inaugural Ohio BrikWars Meeting
Mon, 17 Apr 2000 20:44:48 GMT
120 times
In, Adrian Drake writes:
In, Drew Lawrence writes:
Drew fielded 3 mecha, a tank, and a jeep, plus troops.

3 mecha? I only had 2 -- the black Locust and the [mostly] white Raven.

Oh, I guess you didn't field the little mecha you showed me before the
festivities started.  Don't mind me :)

That wasn't even a mecha. That was a Terran Marine, from StarCraft. The little
guy was a technic scale Marine, even though it had a minifigure's head in it.
(There is no way to mount a Technic guy's head like you can a minifig's.)

Jeff had 2 hoverflyers
and a bunch of troops, and I had a mech, a heavy assault transport, a bunch • of
troops, and 50 skeletons.  Of course, the skeletons vaporized in a puff of
magic smoke when we decided the battlefield was WAY too crowded.

That was so cool. And yes, that one area was WAAAY too crowded.

If the bowling pin hadn't been there, it would've been fine though.

I want to see these pictures myself. That was Ken's digital camera (Not
Adrian's) that did all of the work, right?

Where is Ken going to post the pictures anyway?

Right, that was Ken's camera.  I believe he's going to post them on
Brickshelf, and then if I feel like it, I'll pull them down and make a web
page with more information about each picture.

Yeah! A battle report! I'm really good at those. (Hint hint.)


Drew Lawrence

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Inaugural Ohio BrikWars Meeting
(...) Get cracking. Start working up the text and we'll work out a way to merge it with the pics. (25 years ago, 17-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Inaugural Ohio BrikWars Meeting
(...) Oh, I guess you didn't field the little mecha you showed me before the festivities started. Don't mind me :) (...) of (...) If the bowling pin hadn't been there, it would've been fine though. (...) Right, that was Ken's camera. I believe he's (...) (25 years ago, 17-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming,

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