Re: BrikWars
Mon, 7 Feb 2000 21:38:33 GMT
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In, Lorbaat wrote:
> Does anyone else out there play BrikWars? I played my first game on Saturday,
> and enjoyed it immensely, but there are some... err, well, foibles of the
> system that I think could be ironed out.
> For example: Vehicles seem to be too inexpensive for their relative value.
> Why buy a squad of SpaceMen when for the same cost you can have a vehicle with
> a seige weapon? I was thinking that placing a ratio on vehicles, like 1 per
> 5-man squad, might reduce that a bit.
> Any thoughts?
Maybe it's because a vehicle is way cooler than 5 puny SpaceMen?
I haven't played BrikWars, just read through the rules once or twice (mostly for
the funny bits). But it seems like a legitimate approach is that the main focus
is the vehicles, and the SpaceMen are just there to operate the equipment. And
to get blown to pieces, of course.
Message is in Reply To:
| | BrikWars
| Does anyone else out there play BrikWars? I played my first game on Saturday, and enjoyed it immensely, but there are some... err, well, foibles of the system that I think could be ironed out. For example: Vehicles seem to be too inexpensive for (...) (25 years ago, 7-Feb-00, to lugnet.gaming)
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