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Re: BrikWars Update
Tue, 9 May 2000 20:31:54 GMT
160 times
In, Jeff Stembel writes:
For EMP weapons, we build a Pistol, Rifle, or Laser and set it to Stun Damage
v. Machines (no additional point cost).

I must've missed this part in the rules.  Its in there, right?

Well, it's mentioned briefly at the tail end of the Rifles section (2.2.2).  I
don't think there's anything in the Pistols or Lasers section, maybe I'll add
those when I'm done moving back down to Los Angeles.

Well, based on Tribes' chaingun design, there are some major differances
(the chaingun basically creates a cone of bullets).  I think my friend
said it was more acurate than a stream of bullets, so I'll look into it,
possibly make some stats, and get back to you.  :)

Shoot!  You just reminded me that I meant to do a cone effect for the
flamethrowers.  I'll have to change that too.

I've never seen chainguns handled that way before, but then I've never played
Tribes.  I guess a quality Vulcan cannon could work that way, which would make
a good anti-personnel Siege weapon; it would also be fun as a troop-portable
weapon at TL5 or higher -- lots of opportunity for friendly-fire casualties
with a weapon like that.

Speaking of friendly fire (as an aside), I played a great game on Sunday in
which I loaded all my troopers with the heaviest weapons possible and no
armor - I think I suffered 80% casualties in the first three turns, every one
from friendly fire.  I won the battle though, it was a gloriously Phyrric

- Mike Rayhawk.

    Check out the Official BrikWars Home Page at

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BrikWars Update
(...) :D I admit it, I got the idea of the chaingun from Starsiege Tribes... :) The EMP idea was just a general idea I had, though... (...) That sounds interesting! ;) (...) I must've missed this part in the rules. Its in there, right? (...) Well, (...) (25 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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