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Brikwars 4/29/00 Pics are up
Newsgroups:, lugnet.gaming
Wed, 3 May 2000 17:07:27 GMT
57 times
All right, I know we're now going backwards in time, but I scanned in my
pics from the 4/29/00 Brikwars event at the Charles River Museum of
Industry.  Also included are three battle maps, showing the chronology
of events, the exchange of fire, and the resulting destruction.

Here are some captions for the turn-by-turns: - Shaun Sullivan
and David Eaton are entering from the right, and Eric Joslin, Eric
Kingsley, and Neil are entering from the left.

    I.    This is Eric Kingsley's Massive Mech of Instant Annihalition,
and some supporting ground troops
    II.   Eric Joslin's main infantry cluster - a medium mech, a squad
of troopers, and his female armageddon squad adavancing
    III.  Spaceninja
    IV.  Jeep and Infantry and Armed Motorcycle.  Also present is a
motobike-riding medic
    V.  Armed Motorcycle

    VI.  Squad of Spacetroopers, One of Dave Eaton's Mechs, Shaun's
flying mech suit, SAMAS flying  power armor
    VII.  Squad of Spacetroopers
    VIII.  Dave Eaton's Other Mech, Sd.kfz 222 Armored Car, Willys MB w/
Towed Howitzer, and SAMAS flying power armor
    IX.  Another Squad of many spacetroopers - End of Dave and
Shaun's next turn.  Boxes highlight location of SAMAS power armor, and
the spaceninja. - the battle is

    A.  SAMAS Power Armor receives fire from enemy jeep.  Flying systems
are damaged, pilot can only walk in unwieldy outfit now.
    B.  sd.kfz 222 Armored Car is bombarded with grenade from
spaceninja.  Car and driver are unharmed, commander in turret is KIA
    C.  Other SAMAS power armor strafes the spacetrooper squad at corner
of building.  Several die in ensuing carnage
    D.  Armed Motorcycle is shot by running spacetroopers.  The
motorcycle continues along its trajectory, finally coming to rest at the

all right, I'm short on time so I must go.  Perhaps someone else might
caption some pieces?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Brikwars 4/01/00 Pics are up
oops! Those are from 04/01/00, not 04/29/00. These are NELUG's Brikwars I pics, not NELUG's Brikwars II. Sorry about that! shaun (...) (25 years ago, 3-May-00, to, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: Brikwars 4/29/00 Pics are up
(...) Looks like you had lots of fun with the Brikwars session. And lots of cool creations present as well. Fredrik (25 years ago, 4-May-00, to, lugnet.gaming)

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