In lugnet.loc.us.oh.cle, Adrian Drake writes:
> Easter won't work, I'll be out of town. May's also pretty well booked up. So
> if we want, it'd have to be next weekend (the 12-13th) or the last weekend in
> April (26-27). This weekend could work, but in order to get my Lego area
> tidied up I need quite a bit of time.
This weekend is already booked for me, anyway. Either of the others has
possibilities, though. Which would you prefer?
What about genre for BW? I can field a couple armies at TL2 and TL5-6. I've
been thinking about proposing a modular scenery system. I was reading some
literature from conventional wargames. We have some built in standards. The
dimensions of baseplates,.... However, we could build modular terrain to bring
to an event. Maybe 2x2 blue-baseplate squares. Road/paths/water at x-pips in
from the corner. That sort of thing. Thoughts?
BTW, I've been reading some about _Bulletproof_Monk_. Are you planning to go
see it?
BTW2, have we started plans for a trip to GenCon?
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