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Re: How but some destruction
Newsgroups:,,, lugnet.gaming
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 20:11:21 GMT
25 times
In, Gino A. Melone writes:
In, Adrian Drake writes:
Whatever floats y'alls boats.  My lego room is currently a little chaotic (too
many congruent projects, it seems) but I could tidy up a bit if we wanted to do

A sunday to BrikWar would work best for me.  Actually, Easter weekend could
work real well for me.  I don't know what others schedules look like though?

My buddy Brent is also interested.  I think he played with us once before.
He's a big wargame fan.  Mostly Warhammer 50K (Epic).

Easter won't work, I'll be out of town.  May's also pretty well booked up.  So
if we want, it'd have to be next weekend (the 12-13th) or the last weekend in
April (26-27).  This weekend could work, but in order to get my Lego area
tidied up I need quite a bit of time.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How but some destruction
(...) This weekend is already booked for me, anyway. Either of the others has possibilities, though. Which would you prefer? What about genre for BW? I can field a couple armies at TL2 and TL5-6. I've been thinking about proposing a modular scenery (...) (22 years ago, 2-Apr-03, to,,, lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How but some destruction
(...) A sunday to BrikWar would work best for me. Actually, Easter weekend could work real well for me. I don't know what others schedules look like though? My buddy Brent is also interested. I think he played with us once before. He's a big wargame (...) (22 years ago, 2-Apr-03, to,,, lugnet.gaming)

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