In lugnet.loc.us.oh.cle, Gino A. Melone writes:
> In lugnet.loc.us.oh.cle, Adrian Drake writes:
> > Gino! You're alive! I hadn't heard from you in so long I was beginning to
> > wonder.
> I was beginning to wonder myself. 2002 was a very rough year.
Sorry to hear. Hope things are working out.
> > I would be up for something like that, and as my Lego dungeon, er,
> > domain is pretty much complete and put together, I could host pretty easily
> > too. I am short a table (in order to make a nice big area with which to
> > battle) but I've been thinking of picking up another one anyway, so that might
> > not be a problem. There's even a pretty open space on one side of the room to
> > do a large ground-level battle if we wanted.
> We could do either location. My schedule is still a little haywire, so I'd
> need a week+ notice at least. It would be nice to get a crowd together.
> Anyone else out there?
I talked with one of my co-workers, and he'd be up to joining us. He's not
a huge Lego collector, but he was into it when he was a kid. Plus, he likes
RPG's so he would probably dig a game of Brikwars. We'd just have to supply
him with an army. What about Eric? I wonder if he's still hiding
somewhere. A nice 4 way battle could be fun.
> > I'd have to refresh my memory on
> > the new rules though. It's been quite a while since I played.
> Me too. I've been playing some other wargames (non-PBB) lately. I definetely
> would need to refresh my memory of BW.
Time to fire up the work printer and make a fresh copy of the rules :)
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