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Re: How but some destruction
Newsgroups:,,, lugnet.gaming
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 22:07:03 GMT
9 times
In, Adrian Drake writes:

Gino!  You're alive!  I hadn't heard from you in so long I was beginning to
I was beginning to wonder myself.  2002 was a very rough year.

I would be up for something like that, and as my Lego dungeon, er,
domain is pretty much complete and put together, I could host pretty easily
too.    I am short a table (in order to make a nice big area with which to
battle) but I've been thinking of picking up another one anyway, so that might
not be a problem.  There's even a pretty open space  on one side of the room to
do a large ground-level battle if we wanted.
We could do either location.  My schedule is still a little haywire, so I'd
need a week+ notice at least.  It would be nice to get a crowd together.
Anyone else out there?

I'd have to refresh my memory on
the new rules though.  It's been quite a while since I played.
Me too.  I've been playing some other wargames (non-PBB) lately.  I definetely
would need to refresh my memory of BW.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: How but some destruction
(...) Sorry to hear. Hope things are working out. (...) I talked with one of my co-workers, and he'd be up to joining us. He's not a huge Lego collector, but he was into it when he was a kid. Plus, he likes RPG's so he would probably dig a game of (...) (22 years ago, 1-Apr-03, to,,, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: How but some destruction
(...) Hey Gino! Just saw this thread today...haven't been reading LUGNET much fact there are almost 800 LUGNET messages sitting in my inbox... Anyway, I'd be up for a building session sometime. If you guys just want to play Brikwars, (...) (22 years ago, 1-Apr-03, to,,, lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How but some destruction
(...) Gino! You're alive! I hadn't heard from you in so long I was beginning to wonder. I would be up for something like that, and as my Lego dungeon, er, domain is pretty much complete and put together, I could host pretty easily too. I am short a (...) (22 years ago, 27-Mar-03, to,,, lugnet.gaming)

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