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How to Signature?
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 16:08:51 GMT
8011 times
Ok, this may be a dumb question where the answer is more than obvious to most
users - but where or how can I set up a signature that will automatically be
included in my posts here? There are several people who have a signature - but I
can find or figure out where to set up one for myself (other than keeping a file
on my computer and copy & paste from it every time I make a post).

"Ohhhh, shiney!"


(note: the above was manually pasted in)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: How to Signature?
(...) ... I don't see a way to do it, either. I know there was some discussion back in May of 2003 about signatures and signature abuse, but I can't recall if there was a feature that was subsequently taken out or never implemented in the first (...) (21 years ago, 24-Nov-03, to lugnet.faq)
  Re: How to Signature?
(...) It is my belief that there is not currently a way from the web interface to automatically include a signature. What I suspect many people do is keep a small text file handily linked from their desktop so they can cut and paste, or perhaps use (...) (21 years ago, 24-Nov-03, to lugnet.faq, FTX)

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