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 FAQ / 1193
    lost membership —David Perry
   Hi, as far as i know, I have signed up and am a member of Lugnet, but i just recently tried to Log In for one of the first times (before now I've just posted without signing in and just confirmed the post through email) and i don't know my member (...) (24 years ago, 10-Sep-01, to lugnet.faq)
        Re: lost membership —Thomas (T. J.) Avery
   (...) It can take a while for things to go through and be processed. I'm not sure who's doing it these days, but I'm sure they're pretty busy. You will receive an email in time with details including your member number and a temporary password. When (...) (24 years ago, 10-Sep-01, to lugnet.faq)
        Re: lost membership —David Perry
   its been maybe a year actaully, so i dono (...) (24 years ago, 11-Sep-01, to lugnet.faq)

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